The Coolest Lyric Ever!
Kaiser Chiefs - Highroyds
I remember nights out when we were young
They weren't very good they were rubbish
Running round Highroyds isn't fun
Just teenagers testing their courage
Hanging outside nightclubs in the snow
Not very cool or impressive
They let in all the girls from the year below
No need for ID's with those dresses
Got news from afar
From a girl who knows who we are
Still got my dinner money
She can keep it
Never had a fight that we haven't lost
Not very tough or athletic
Once I had a boxing champ in a headlock
When he gets out I'll regret it
Got keys to a car
Picked up a girl from Boston Spa
Fast food and cinema
It's not worth it
Got word from down south
He'd heard about us word of mouth
We haven't much stayed in touch
Since Highroyds
Let it go, let it go
Cos no ones gonna tell you but a friend
He's gone and he is gone and everybody went along
And nobody was left here in the end
Got news from Uncle Hew
Through a second cousin ??
Too late there's a housing estate
It's called Highroyds
Got a text from an ex
She wants to know when we're in London next
Will you write a song about me
I don't think so
Just det stycket ovan är så jäkla cool!
Har anmält mig till Kaiser Chiefs nyhetsbrev nu så förhoppningsvis kan jag köpa biljetter till deras koncert redan idag, aaahhhh!!

I remember nights out when we were young
They weren't very good they were rubbish
Running round Highroyds isn't fun
Just teenagers testing their courage
Hanging outside nightclubs in the snow
Not very cool or impressive
They let in all the girls from the year below
No need for ID's with those dresses
Got news from afar
From a girl who knows who we are
Still got my dinner money
She can keep it
Never had a fight that we haven't lost
Not very tough or athletic
Once I had a boxing champ in a headlock
When he gets out I'll regret it
Got keys to a car
Picked up a girl from Boston Spa
Fast food and cinema
It's not worth it
Got word from down south
He'd heard about us word of mouth
We haven't much stayed in touch
Since Highroyds
Let it go, let it go
Cos no ones gonna tell you but a friend
He's gone and he is gone and everybody went along
And nobody was left here in the end
Got news from Uncle Hew
Through a second cousin ??
Too late there's a housing estate
It's called Highroyds
Got a text from an ex
She wants to know when we're in London next
Will you write a song about me
I don't think so
Just det stycket ovan är så jäkla cool!
Har anmält mig till Kaiser Chiefs nyhetsbrev nu så förhoppningsvis kan jag köpa biljetter till deras koncert redan idag, aaahhhh!!

Postat av: Christoffer
När är deras konsert? Och vart?
Bra blogg, uppskattas. :)
Postat av: Samma
Oj, såg att du skulle se dom i Danmark. Vet om dom spelar i Sverige? lite för långt till Köpenhamn tyvärr.
Postat av: Tilisha
Hey! Kul att du också lyssnar på Kaiser Chiefs! Det vet jag inte många som gör.
Dem spelar i Stockholm också dagarna efter. Lite närmre kanske?
Tack för att du gillar min blogg! Det uppskattas :)