The Penis Song ;)
Nu ska jag i säng! Om man nu ska vara riiiiktigt petig så är det faktiskt söndag nu så...Go'morn!!! ;)
Har nyss sett Snygg Sexig Singel (The Sweetest Thing) på dvd. Den är SÅ dålig, men den måste ändå ses! Jag blir på gott humör i alla fall så works on me!
What a lovely ride,
your penis is a thrill,
your penis is cadillac,
a giant coupe de ville,
your penis packs a wallop,
your penis brings a load,
and when it makes a delivery,
it needs its own zip code,
nine, double zero, PENIS!!
Your, too big to fit in here,
too big to fit in here,
too big to fit in here,
Your penis is so strong,
your penis is so smooth,
your penis got a rythm,
your penis makes me groove,

Sleep Tight..♥
Har nyss sett Snygg Sexig Singel (The Sweetest Thing) på dvd. Den är SÅ dålig, men den måste ändå ses! Jag blir på gott humör i alla fall så works on me!
What a lovely ride,
your penis is a thrill,
your penis is cadillac,
a giant coupe de ville,
your penis packs a wallop,
your penis brings a load,
and when it makes a delivery,
it needs its own zip code,
nine, double zero, PENIS!!
Your, too big to fit in here,
too big to fit in here,
too big to fit in here,
Your penis is so strong,
your penis is so smooth,
your penis got a rythm,
your penis makes me groove,

Sleep Tight..♥